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Can I Get Invisalign If I Grind My Teeth?

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 3:43 pm
Closeup of a woman's mouth as she removes her Invisalign

Invisalign offers unique benefits that make it a popular alternative to traditional braces for straightening your teeth. There’s no need for bulky brackets to adhere to your teeth, they’re less visibly noticeable, and typically treatment doesn’t take as long. This makes clear aligners ideal for almost anybody looking for a straighter smile. But what about those with bruxism? Can you still enjoy the many advantages of Invisalign if you grind your teeth? Keep reading to find out!

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that relies on clear aligner trays that fit over your teeth to gently shift them into their ideal positions. These aligners provide the same straightening as traditional braces with a shorter treatment period (usually 12-18 months, instead of over a few years), and are much less intrusive. While they aren’t a good choice for those looking to correct severe orthodontic issues, Invisalign can treat mild to moderate forms of crooked teeth, gapped teeth, and bite problems.

Can I Get Invisalign If I Grind My Teeth?

The short answer is yes, you can have Invisalign even with bruxism! To continue to shift your teeth throughout treatment, your dentist will provide you with a new set of aligners every 1-2 weeks. Each set is slightly different than the previous one to account for the movement of your teeth. While grinding probably will wear down your trays faster, the good news is that they were not intended to last more than 2-3 weeks, anyway. That means that your teeth grinding won’t necessarily negatively impact how effective they are.

Can Invisalign Help With Teeth Grinding?

Not only can you still have Invisalign if you grind your teeth, but Invisalign might even provide some additional benefits. If you fall into the habit of unconsciously crushing your teeth during the day, then the aligners can help call attention to when it’s happening. You might find that you’re able to curb your impulses once they’ve become more noticeable to you.

Invisalign aligners also can help nightly teeth grinding from causing additional damage to teeth. Because they sit over your teeth, the aligners evenly distribute the tension from biting. That means your teeth will be protected from unnecessary wear and tear.

If you have avoided Invisalign because you were worried about your teeth grinding, then set your concerns aside! Call your dentist today and soon you’ll have the perfectly straight smile you’ve been dreaming of.

About the Author

At American Dental Care, you can expect a treatment plan that’s customized to your needs. Dr. Tommy Murph prioritizes high-quality care on a schedule that works for you, including during Saturday office hours. He achieved his Bachelor of Science in Biology from Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC then earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the Medical University of South Carolina. Since then, he has completed over 600 hours of continuing education courses and is qualified to help you straighten your smile whatever your circumstances. If you’d like to make an appointment you are welcome to request one on the website or by calling (843) 488-4357.

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