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Why You May Need a Tooth Extracted Even If It Doesn’t Hurt

September 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 1:17 pm
dentist performing tooth extraction in Conway on female patient

No one wants to have a tooth extracted, especially if it isn’t bothering them. However, even if a tooth isn’t causing you any pain, your dentist may still detect an issue and recommend having it pulled. Having the tooth extracted in a timely manner may be the key to keeping the issue from developing further and causing more damage to your mouth. Though there are a number of reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted, here are a few common causes and why it’s important to nip the problem in the bud.

Decay and Infections

Eating a lot of sugary or starchy foods and not practicing proper oral care with regular brushing and flossing can cause cavities to develop. Untreated cavities can lead to an infection inside the tooth. Though this often causing a tremendous amount of pain, it doesn’t always. If the dangerous bacteria have irreparably damaged the nerves in your tooth, then you may feel no discomfort at all. Unfortunately, even if you can’t feel it, the infection can still spread to other teeth and throughout your body to cause serious complications. In some cases, your tooth can be saved with a root canal, but a tooth extraction may be necessary to effectively manage the infection.

Gum and Bone Loss

Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is generally easy to treat and is often a result of poor oral hygiene. If it isn’t treated quickly, it may develop into periodontitis. This serious oral health issue doesn’t always cause pain or discomfort, but it can lead to the destruction of the bone and gum tissue that help hold your teeth in place. This may cause your teeth to become loose and unstable. Alongside treating the gum disease, your dentist may recommend having the loose teeth extracted to prevent further issues from developing.


Some people have a genetic predisposition to overcrowded teeth, and some have a small jaw that can’t comfortably accommodate a full set of pearly whites. This leads to impacted teeth, an uneven smile, and bite alignment problems. Orthodontic treatments can often solve these issues, but a tooth extraction may be required to make room for the braces or aligners.

Preventive Extractions

Even if a tooth isn’t causing you any pain at the moment, it may still present a potential health risk. This is often the case with wisdom teeth, which may grow in crookedly or get stuck below the gumline. Ultimately, this can lead to the development of dental abscesses, infections, or other oral health problems. Your dentist may recommend having your wisdom teeth extracted to prevent them from disrupting the alignment of the rest of your smile and causing more serious issues.

So, even if you don’t feel any pain, a tooth extraction may still be necessary. By having the tooth removed as soon as possible, you can prevent further damage to your mouth and preserve the beauty of your smile.

About the Practice

If you’re a resident of Conway or a neighboring community in search of a high-quality dental practice, look no further than American Dental Care. Dr. Tommy Murph and his team of friendly, personable, and talented oral health professionals are here to help you develop healthy habits and achieve the smile you’ve always hoped for. They can assess several oral health issues and pursue the best treatment option such as tooth extractions to help you maintain beautiful, healthy teeth. For more information about tooth extractions or their other dentistry services, call American Dental Care at 713-783-5560 or visit their website.

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