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What Do I Do If I Lose a Dental Filling?

September 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 9:25 pm
dentist putting dental filling in Conway on female patient’s tooth

Though a broken or lost dental filling leaves the inside of the tooth vulnerable to damage and infection, it doesn’t usually warrant a visit to the emergency dentist. It’s important to take the necessary precautions to protect your tooth until you can reach your dentist to prevent additional harm. If you recently lost a dental filling, follow these seven steps to ensure your tooth isn’t damaged any further while you wait to have it repaired.

Step #1: Contact Your Dentist

Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as you can to have the tooth repaired and avoid further complications. If they can’t see you for a little while, ask for suggestions on how to protect the damaged tooth until they can fit you in. Let them know if you’re experiencing any pain so they can provide helpful recommendations or try to see you sooner.

Step #2: Keep the Filling

Hold on to the lost dental filling and keep it somewhere safe until you can see your dentist. They will be able to determine if it’s reusable or not and will have a new one made if necessary.

Step #3: Gargle with Salt Water

Once you’ve contacted your dentist and stored the filling in a safe place, rinse out your mouth with warm water containing 1/2 teaspoon of salt. This will help clean the damaged tooth and kill bacteria that can cause additional harm.

Step #4: Chew with Caution

Chew on the opposite side of your mouth from where the damaged tooth is located to lessen pain and avoid getting food stuck in it.

Step #5: Implement a Temporary Fix

Until your dentist is able to fix the tooth, consider using a short-term fix such as dental wax. You may also want to purchase temporary filling material online. Ask your dentist for recommendations.

Step #6: Take Pain Medicine

If losing a dental filling has led to pain or discomfort, take some over-the-counter medicine to relieve any sensitivity you’re experiencing. Make sure to follow the dosage instructions listed on the label. You can also apply a cold compress or an ice pack for 15 minutes at a time outside of your mouth to lessen swelling or use a topical numbing agent.

Step #7: Brush Carefully

Continue to brush and floss the tooth as part of your oral health routine. Be gentle when cleaning the area to avoid further damaging the tooth.

Dental fillings can last an average of 15 years, but accidents are bound to happen. If you lost a dental filling and aren’t sure what to do next, follow the above steps to keep the tooth as healthy as possible and get your smile back on track.

About the Practice

American Dental Care gives patients an oral health experience they won’t find anywhere else. They put the needs of their patients first and customize your treatment to get the best results possible. They are proud to be a part of the Conway community and do their part to give back to their patients and their families. They offer same-day appointments for dental emergencies and will do everything they can to see you as quickly as possible. If you have a broken or lost dental filling, don’t hesitate to visit their website or call them at (843) 488-4357.

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