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4 Reasons Why You Should Be Flossing Every Day

April 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 5:16 pm
Healthy woman smiles while flossing

If you don’t like to floss your teeth, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, recent studies show that only 31.6% of American adults self-report that they floss daily, while 36.6% say they floss once or more a week, and 31.9% admit that they never floss. The American Dental Association and health experts around the world highly encourage flossing every day, but why is it so important? This healthy habit may be more important for your oral health than you realize! Here are four reasons why you should be flossing daily.

1.) Flossing Can Help Prevent Tooth Loss

Did you know that according to some experts, toothbrushing only removes about 60% of plaque and bacteria from your mouth? The rest hide in places that your toothbrush bristles can’t reach. Unfortunately, the longer these particles stay in your mouth, the more likely they are to attack and infect the gums. This can easily lead to gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss in the US! Flossing is the best way to thoroughly clean out all the places your toothbrush can’t and keep your risk of gum disease and tooth loss to a minimum.

2.) Flossing Will Treat Your Bleeding, Sensitive Gums

Many people avoid flossing because they find it uncomfortable or because it causes their gums to bleed. While it may seem counterintuitive, flossing more frequently is the solution to these problems. Sensitive, puffy, and easily bleeding gums are the first indications of gum disease. While flossing will aggravate the tissue at first, it will help clean out the bacteria that causes these symptoms. With regular flossing, you can easily regain healthy, non-inflamed gums!

3.) Flossing Stops Cavities from Forming Between Teeth

Within just 48 hours of eating, the cavity-causing plaque in your mouth will begin to harden into a substance called tartar. This tough material is a breeding ground for bacteria and can only be removed by a dental professional. When it forms between your teeth, it can quickly lead to painful cavities. Cleaning out the spaces between your teeth with floss will dramatically lower your risk of cavities between your teeth.

4.) Flossing Promotes Better Overall Health

Lowering your risk of rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and memory loss can be as easy as flossing daily. We’ve already covered how daily flossing is key for preventing gum disease and minimizing your risk of tooth decay. Studies show that maintaining good oral health positively influences overall wellbeing and can reduce your chances of developing or worsening systemic health issues. When you keep your teeth and gums healthy with daily flossing, both your smile and the rest of your body will thank you!

Flossing daily is a simple habit that can make a big difference in your life! If you’re having trouble with your flossing technique, talk to your dentist about alternative methods or products that could make keeping your smile healthy easier.

About the Dentist

Dr. Tommy Murph of American Dental has been serving smiles of all ages in Conway and the surrounding communities for over 25 years. He is passionate about continuing education and has completed over 600 hours of advanced training. He even provides lectures and hand-on instructions in several countries across the world! In the office, he loves to help his patients learn more about their own oral health and the best ways to care for their smiles at home. For more information about flossing, he can be reached via his website or at (843) 488-4357.  

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