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5 Lies That Your Dentist Hears All the Time

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 7:26 pm
Woman flossing

Have you ever stretched the truth when you were talking to your dentist about your oral hygiene habits? Whether you claim that you floss every single day, or that you don’t bite your nails when you’re nervous, many of us are guilty of telling a fib once in a while. However, you don’t have your dentist fooled. They hear little lies like this all of the time. Continue reading so you find out which lies that your dentist is familiar with so that you know not to tell them.

#1 I Never Smoke Cigarettes

If you haven’t already heard, tobacco is notorious for staining your teeth. Most of the time, it is apparent to your dentist right away if you smoke frequently. If you smell like smoke or have nicotine stains on your fingers, it is difficult not to notice. Smoking tobacco products increases your risk of almost every type of cancer, including cancers of the mouth and throat. It also leads to gum disease, tooth decay, and can even cause tooth loss over a long period of time.

#2 I Floss Daily

Brushing is necessary to remove plaque and food debris from your smile, but your toothbrush cannot reach everywhere. This is why it’s crucial that you floss your teeth every single care. Flossing will remove food particles, plaque, and bacteria from hard-to-reach places like between the teeth and beneath the gumline. If you are experiencing gum inflammation, this is an obvious sign to your dentist that you aren’t flossing as often as you should be.

#3 I Don’t Drink Soda

Because soda contains high levels of both acid and sugar, your protective enamel is at risk for damage. Soda is also linked to many other health issues. If you want to have an occasional can of soda, be sure to use a straw and rinse your mouth out with water afterwards in order to limit the harmful effects.

#4 I Only Drink Alcoholic Beverages Occasionally

If you like to wind down your busy week with a glass of wine, this usually isn’t too harmful. However, if you are frequently having one drink after another, this is when it can pose a risk to both your overall health and oral health. Alcohol has a distinct smell, so your dentist can tell if you are a heavy drinker. People who drink frequently also tend to have dryer mouths because it interferes with the production of the salivary glands. It is best to truly save adult beverages for occasions or cut them out of your life completely.

#5 That Doesn’t Hurt

You may feel like you are strong enough to handle a little bit of discomfort, but your dentist can still tell if you are in pain. Your eyes will likely flinch and clench shut. Your tongue and legs will tense up. If you are feeling any discomfort, you should let your dentist know. They may be able to use a topical anesthetic or allow you to take pain medicine before your next appointment.

During your next checkup, you shouldn’t feel the need to lie. Your dentist will be able to tell. By coming clean, you will be able to better work together to make the changes needed for excellent oral health.

About the Author

Dr. Tommy Murph is an experienced dentist who has been practicing dentistry for over 25 years so far. He has completed over 600 hours of continuing education courses. He is currently a member of the American Dental Association and the South Carolina Dental Association. For more information or to schedule an appointment at his office in Conway, visit his website or call (843) 488-4357.

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