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How to Tell if Your Toothache is a Dental Emergency or Not

April 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 12:38 am
Man with intense toothache should see Conway emergency dentist

There are many different types of toothaches, and even more factors that can cause them. Your tooth pain may be the result of a cavity or poor brushing habits. Occasionally however, it can be a warning sign of a serious dental emergency. Read on to find out what your toothache may be trying to tell you and if it needs immediate attention from your Conway emergency dentist.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Your teeth are encased in a tough shell of enamel. This substance is harder than anything else in your body, and it protects the sensitive, more vulnerable layers underneath. If you experience any type of discomfort in your teeth, it’s most likely a sign that something is aggravating those inner layers. Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of factors that may be causing the irritation that can be difficult to identify yourself. While some can be treated at home with better oral hygiene or different dental products, some may require more intensive care from your dentist right away.

Non-Emergency Toothaches

No matter what type of tooth pain you’re experiencing, you should make an appointment with your dentist right away. While some toothaches can easily be treated at home, others may cause much more damage and discomfort without the help of your dentist. While they should be looked at soon, non-emergency toothaches include:

  • Sudden jabs of pain. If you feel an intermittent sharp pain in your teeth that doesn’t last when you chew or eat cold foods, you may have a cracked tooth, broken filling, or cavity.
  • Flash of tooth sensitivity. Teeth that hurt intensely for less than 30 seconds when exposed to hot or cold foods, drinks, or even air may have gum recession or weakened enamel.
  • Dull, nagging pain. This is frequently a symptom of a condition known as bruxism, which indicates grinding your teeth in your sleep.
  • Pain in the back of the jaw. This uncommon type of toothache usually signifies that a wisdom tooth is impacted in your jaw or pressing against your other teeth.

Signs of a Dental Emergency

However, you should seek immediate care if your toothache is accompanied by:

  • Visible damage or darkening of a tooth. This could mean that the inner layers of your teeth have become seriously damaged or infected.
  • Loose teeth, bad breath, and bleeding gums. These are all symptoms of the advanced form of gum disease, which can cause your teeth to fall out.
  • Fever, fatigue, and swelling in the neck, jaw, or face. These symptoms could indicate that you have a severe infection. If left untreated, it could potentially become life-threatening.

Thankfully, the most common culprit behind toothaches is the common cavity. However, you should still make an appointment with your dentist if you notice any discomfort. With their help, you can stop any issues as early as possible and keep your smile happy, healthy, and pain-free!

About the Author

Whether you have a sudden dental injury or a long-lasting toothache, American Dental Care of Conway, SC is here and ready to help. Dr. Tommy Murph and his talented team will do everything they can to treat your dental emergency within hours of your call nearly any day of the week. He has over 25 years of experience in dentistry and advanced training in oral surgery, so he can help you overcome any dental issue as quickly, comfortably, and effectively as possible. If you or a loved one has a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact him via his website or at (843) 488-4357.

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