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6 Reasons Why You Should Stay Away from DIY Braces

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 8:26 pm
Concerned man covering his mouth with his hands

Do-it-yourself braces have become a trend on social media. Using a concoction of glue, paper clips, rubber bands, and other household objects, people are taking getting a straighter smile into their own hands. If you’ve seen some of these videos that claim DIY braces save time and money, you may have asked yourself: “Are at-home braces the same as Invisalign?” However, the saying “If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is” applies to this unconventional treatment. Here are six important reasons why you should steer clear of this dangerous trend and see your dentist for a straighter smile instead.  

DIY Braces Don’t Offer Permanent Results

Even if your DIY braces successfully straighten out your teeth, it’s likely they won’t stay that way for long. There’s a reason professional orthodontic treatment takes months: permanent changes require slow movements. You can’t speed up the process if you want that straighter smile to last.

At-Home Braces Can Make Daily Life Difficult

Pushing some teeth into a different position may shift other teeth you didn’t mean to move. This can change how your upper and lower jaw fit together, making it more difficult to chew properly or speak clearly. You may even develop a speech impediment like a lisp or apraxia of speech.

You Could Lose Teeth Instead of Straightening Them

Your teeth rely on proper blood flow from the jawbone to stay alive and healthy. The force of a tight rubber band around your tooth will restrict the circulation it needs, which could permanently destroy parts of your teeth and roots. In the end, the damaged teeth may need to be pulled.

You Could Develop A Gum Infection or Worse

Quickly rinsing off a paperclip or rubber band does not make it sterile. Nonmedical-grade and improperly cleaned supplies can easily introduce harmful bacteria into your mouth and infect your gums. If left untreated, this infection can spread into the rest of your face and body to cause bone loss and larger health conditions.

You Could End Up Paying More in The End

While DIY braces may cost you less than professional ones initially, you’ll spend a lot more on treatments, surgeries, and replacement teeth in the likely event that your DIY braces didn’t change your smile in the way you hoped they would.    

DIY Braces Put Your Mental Health at Risk

Damaging your teeth with DIY braces could lead to severe emotional trauma. The physical alterations caused by at-home braces and the steps needed to fix them can play a heavy toll on your mental health. The anxiety and self-consciousness could lead to mood swings, depression, irritability, and insomnia just to name a few.

For the sake of your physical and mental health, leave orthodontic treatment to trained professionals. Having a tested form of braces like Invisalign administered by an experienced dentist is the safest, most effective, and most reliable way to get that straightened smile you want.  

About the Author

If your crooked teeth have you frowning, Dr. Tommy Murph of American Dental in Conway, SC is here to help. He understands just how much a beautiful, confident smile can improve someone’s life, which is why he is proud to offer Invisalign clear braces. Instead of doing it on your own, let him create a personalized treatment plan for you with reliable, safe results. He would love to help you discover if Invisalign is right for you, so feel free to contact him via his website or (843) 488-4357.

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